Service card

The service card component displays a card representing a service with an icon, title, description, and an optional customized footer


Basic service card

This shows a basic service card with an icon, title, description, and optional footer passed in. You can also pass all props of the card component.



Component groups
This is a sample service description

Stacked service card

If you set isStacked property to true, the header layout changes to stacked.



A basic example
This is a basic ServiceCard Example

This shows how cards can look side by side in a gallery layout. If you set isFullHeight property to true, the card height will fill the available space.



extends CardProps
descriptionrequiredstringService card description
iconrequiredReact.ReactNodeService card icon
titlerequiredstringService card title
footerReact.ReactElement | nullnullOptional footer
helperTextstringOptional Service card helper text
isFullHeightbooleanfalseOptional flag indicating if the card height fills the available space
isStackedbooleanfalseOptional flag modifying the card header layout
ouiaIdstring | number'ServiceCard'Optional custom OUIA ID
subtitlestringService card subtitle