Action list

An action list is a group of actions, controls, or buttons with built-in spacing.


To implement an accessible PatternFly action list:

  • Ensure each action in the action list can be navigated to via keyboard.
  • Provide an aria-label for an action if it does not have its own visible text content.
  • If passing in another PatternFly component as an action, ensure that component follows its own accessibility documentation.


At a minimum, an action list should meet the following criteria:

  • Tab navigates to the next action or focusable element, and Shift + Tab navigates to the previous action or focusable element.
  • An example for when you must do this is if an action list item contains only an icon.

React customization

An action list does not have any further React props for accessibility.

HTML/CSS customization

An action list does not have any further HTML/CSS attributes or classes for accessibility.