
A card is a content container that displays entry-level information—typically within dashboards, galleries, and catalogs.


To implement an accessible PatternFly card:

  • Provide an accessible name for the card via the aria-label attribute, or by linking to a card title via the aria-labelledby attribute.
  • Ensure any other PatternFly components within a card follow their own accessibility documentation.
  • Place cards inside of a list element whenever displaying a set of multiple cards, with a list item wrapped around each card. This list element must also have its own accessible name via the aria-label attribute if there is no other surrounding context.


At a minimum, a card should meet the following criteria:

  • This will differentiate each card when announced to users of assistive technologies when navigating through a page or a screen reader's rotor menu.
  • Tab navigates to the next focusable element, and Shift + Tab navigates to the previous focusable element.
  • This can be either an ordered or unordered list. This will allow users to use shortcuts via their assistive technology and will let them know how many cards exist.
  • An example of surrounding context would be a heading element that directly precedes the group of cards.
  • This notifies users navigating via screen readers and similar assistive technologies that a checkbox can be selected and of its current selected status. See the React selectable card accessibility features example or HTML selectable with hidden input example for implementation information.

React customization

The following React props have been provided for more fine-tuned control over accessibility.

Applied to
aria-label="[text that labels the card]" or aria-labelledby="[id of the element that labels the card]"
Adds an accessible name to the card. If the card has a CardTitle, the aria-labelledby prop should be passed in with a value of the CardTitle's id prop. Otherwise the aria-label prop should be passed in to act as a title for the card.
component="[element tag]"
Sets the base element for the sub-component (div element by default).

When using div as the component, the aria-label and aria-labelledby props should be omitted as these props are not well supported on div elements without a role.
Adds a visually hidden input that notifies users navigating via assistive technologies that a card is selectable. This prop should only be passed in when only one card within a set of cards should be selectable at a time, such as for a primary-detail view.

When this prop is passed in, either a CardTitle sub-component must exist in the card, or the selectableInputAriaLabel prop must be passed in. The hidden input will automatically be given an accessible name when a CardTitle exists within the card, otherwise the value given to the selectableInputAriaLabel prop will add an accessible name to the input.
Adds styling to visually indicate that a selectable card is disabled. When the hasSelectableInput prop is passed in, this prop will also set the selectable input's disabled attribute.
Adds styling to a card toggle to visually indicate whether the expandable content is expanded or collapsed. When this prop is passed in, onExpand and toggleButtonsProps must be passed into the CardHeader sub-component.
isSelectable or isSelectableRaised
Adds styling on hover or focus to visually indicate that a card is selectable, and adds the tabindex="0" attribute so that the card can be navigated to with standard keyboard navigation.
Adds styling to visually indicate that a card is currently selected. When the hasSelectableInput prop is passed in, this prop will also set the selectable input's checked attribute.
selectableInputAriaLabel="[text that labels the hidden selectable input]"
Adds an accessible name to the hidden input when hasSelectableInput is passed in and there is no CardTitle sub-component within the card. The value passed into this prop should act as a title for the card.
onExpand={[a callback function]}
Adds a toggle button with a caret icon to control whether a card is expanded or collapsed, and to visually indicate the card is expandable.

If an expandable card does not include a CardTitle, there should be some other visual context in the CardHeader to convey the content of the card to users that rely on sight, such as an image.
toggleButtonProps={[an object containing button props]}
Sets props on the card's toggle. Required when a card is expandable. For more information about this prop, see the expandable toggle props section.
component="[element tag]"
Sets the base element for the sub-component (div element by default). When one of the six heading elements (h1 to h6) is passed in, you must ensure no heading levels are skipped within the surrounding context of the page.

Expandable toggle props

When a card has expandable content, toggleButtonProps must be passed into the CardHeader sub-component with an object as its value. This object should usually be passed in with a structure similar to the following:

    id: ‘toggleId’, 
    ‘aria-label’: 'Toggle label', 
    ‘aria-labelledby’: 'titleId toggleId', 
    ‘aria-expanded’: this.state.isExpanded

The aria-label property gives the toggle an accessible name for assistive technologies to announce to users, e.g. "Toggle label, button".

The aria-labelledby should include the id of a CardTitle sub-component if one exists or the id of the card itself, as well as the id of the toggle. This will combine the accessible name of both the CardTitle or Card and toggle, e.g. "Card title Toggle label, button". The order in which the ID's are passed in will determine this combined accessible name.

The aria-expanded property must be set as the card's current expanded state. This will allow assistive technologies to announce to users whether the card is expanded or collapsed, e.g. "Toggle label Card title, collapsed, button".

The aria-label and id attributes can be omitted from the toggleButtonProps, with the aria-labelledby attribute being given a value of only "titleId".

HTML/CSS customization

The following HTML attributes and PatternFly classes can be used for more fine-tuned control over accessibility.

Attribute or class
Applied to
aria-label="[text that labels the card]" or aria-labelledby="[id of the element that labels the card]"
Adds an accessible name to the card. If the card has a .pf-v6-c-card__title, the aria-labelledby attribute should be passed in with a value of the card title's id attribute. Otherwise the aria-label attribute should be passed in to act as a title for the card.
tabindex="0" or
Inserts the card into the tab order of the page so that it can be navigated to with standard keyboard navigation. Required when a card is selectable.
aria-label="[text that labels the hidden selectable input]" or aria-labelledby="[id of the element that labels the hidden selectable input]"
Adds an accessible name to the hidden input that is used to improve accessibility for selectable cards. If the card has a .pf-v6-c-card__title, the aria-labelledby attribute should be passed in with a value of the card title's id attribute. Otherwise the aria-label attribute should be passed in to act as a title for the card.
Indicates a selectable card is disabled when the hidden input is used to improve accessibility for selectable cards. Required when a selectable card has the hidden input rendered and has the .pf-m-non-selectable-raised class.
aria-expanded="[true or false]"
Indicates whether the card toggle is expanded (true) or collapsed (false) to assistive technologies. Required.
Removes the card toggle icon from the accessibility tree, preventing assistive technologies from potentially announcing duplicate or unnecessary information without visually hiding it. Required.
aria-label="[text that labels the toggle]" or aria-labelledby="[id of the element that labels the toggle]"
Adds an accessible name to the card toggle. For information about setting these attributes on the toggle, see expandable toggle props in the React customization section.

Additional considerations

Consumers must ensure they take any additional considerations when customizing a card, using it in a way not described or recommended by PatternFly, or in various other specific use-cases not outlined elsewhere on this page.

Excessive functionality or complexity

You should generally ensure a card does not have an excessive amount of functionality or complexity within it, as this can make it more difficult for users to operate or navigate items within the card.

Altering elements of wrappers

For both the React and HTML/CSS library, several sub-components have a default element that is used as a wrapper. For example, the Card/.pf-v6-c-card sub-component uses the article element as its default wrapper.

While this wrapper element can be customized in both libraries, you must ensure doing so does not create invalid markup nor makes the card as a whole less accessible.