Chatbot messages

The content prop of the <Message> component is passed to a <Markdown> component (from react-markdown), which is configured to translate plain text strings into PatternFly <Content> components and code blocks into PatternFly <CodeBlock> components.

Bot messages

Messages from the chatbot will be marked with an "AI" label to clearly communicate the use of AI to users. The chatbot can display different content types, including plain text, code, or a loading animation (via isLoading).

By default, a date and timestamp is displayed with each message. You can update timestamp with a different date and time format as needed.

Profile picture of bot

Example content with updated timestamp text

Profile picture of bot

Here is some YAML code:

apiVersion: kind: HelmChartRepository metadata: name: azure-sample-repo0oooo00ooo spec: connectionConfig: url:

Here is some JavaScript code:

import React from 'react'; const MessageLoading = () => ( <div className="pf-chatbot__message-loading"> <span className="pf-chatbot__message-loading-dots"> <span className="pf-v6-screen-reader">Loading message</span> </span> </div> ); export default MessageLoading;
Profile picture of bot
Loading message

User messages

Messages from users have a different background color to differentiate them from bot messages. You can also display a custom avatar that is uploaded by the user.

Profile picture of user

Example content with custom avatar image and updated timestamp text

Profile picture of user

A paragraph with emphasis and strong importance.

A block quote with strikethrough and a URL:

Here is an inline code - () => void

Messages with attachments

When attachments are shared and displayed in the chatbot window, users will see a selectable and dismissible message that contains file details in a label. Selecting the file label can open a preview modal, which allows users to view or make edits to the file contents.

The <PreviewAttachment> component displays a modal with a read-only view of the attached file's contents. Selecting the "edit" button will open the <AttachmentEdit> component, which provides an interactive environment where users can make changes to the file.

If a displayMode is not passed to <PreviewAttachment> or <AttachmentEdit>, they both default to overlaying the default displayMode of the <Chatbot> component.

Note: This example does not actually apply any edits to the attached file. That logic depends on the implementation.

Profile picture of user

Here is an uploaded file

Messages actions

You can add actions to a message, to allow users to interact with the message content. These actions can include:

  • Feedback responses that allow users to rate a message as "good" or "bad".
  • Copy and share controls that allow users to share the message content with others.
  • A listen action, that will read the message content out loud.

Note: The logic for the actions is not built into the component and must be implemented by the consuming application.

Profile picture of bot

Example content with updated timestamp text

Messages with sources

If you are using Retrieval-Augmented Generation, you may want to display sources in a message. Passing sources to <Message> allows you to paginate between the sources you provide.

The API for a source requires a link at minimum, but we strongly recommend providing a more descriptive title and body description so users have enough context. The title is limited to 1 line and the body is limited to 2 lines.

Profile picture of bot

Example with sources

3 sources
Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud is a managed offering to create your own cluster of compute hosts where you can deploy and manage containerized apps on IBM Cloud ...
Profile picture of bot

Example with very long sources

2 sources
Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud is a managed offering to create your own cluster of compute hosts where you can deploy and manage containerized apps on IBM Cloud ...
Profile picture of bot

Example with only one source

1 source
Profile picture of bot

Example with sources that include a title and link

Profile picture of bot

Example with link-only sources (not recommended)

3 sources



contentrequiredstringMessage content
rolerequired'user' | 'bot'Role of the user sending the message
actions{ positive?: ActionProps; negative?: ActionProps; copy?: ActionProps; share?: ActionProps; listen?: ActionProps; }Props for message actions, such as feedback (positive or negative), copy button, share, and listen
attachmentIdstringUnique identifier of file attached to the message
attachmentNamestringName of file attached to the message
avatarstringAvatar src for the user
avatarAltTextstringAlt text placed on the avatar
idstringUnique id for message
isLoadingbooleanSet this to true if message is being loaded
namestringName of the user
onAttachmentClick() => voidCallback for when attachment label is clicked
onAttachmentClose(attachmentId: string) => voidCallback for when attachment label is closed
timestampstringTimestamp for the message


coderequiredstringText shown in code editor
fileNamerequiredstringFilename, including extension, of file shown in modal
handleModalTogglerequired(event: React.MouseEvent | MouseEvent | KeyboardEvent) => voidFunction called when modal is toggled
isModalOpenrequiredbooleanWhether modal is open
onEditrequired(event: React.MouseEvent | MouseEvent | KeyboardEvent) => voidFunction called when edit button is clicked
displayModeChatbotDisplayModeChatbotDisplayMode.defaultDisplay mode for the Chatbot parent; this influences the styles applied
onDismiss(event: React.MouseEvent | MouseEvent | KeyboardEvent) => voidundefinedFunction called when dismiss button is clicked
titlestring'Preview attachment'Title of modal


coderequiredstringText shown in code editor
fileNamerequiredstringFilename, including extension, of file shown in editor
handleModalTogglerequired(event: React.MouseEvent | MouseEvent | KeyboardEvent) => voidFunction that opens and closes modal
isModalOpenrequiredbooleanWhether modal is open
onCancelrequired(event: React.MouseEvent | MouseEvent | KeyboardEvent) => voidFunction that runs when cancel button is clicked
onSaverequired(event: React.MouseEvent | MouseEvent | KeyboardEvent, code: string) => voidFunction that runs when save button is clicked; allows consumers to use the edited code string
displayModeChatbotDisplayModeChatbotDisplayMode.defaultDisplay mode for the Chatbot parent; this influences the styles applied
titlestring'Edit attachment'Title of modal


ariaLabelstringAria-label for the button
classNamestringClass name for the button
isDisabledbooleanProps to control if the attach button should be disabled
onClick((event: MouseEvent | React.MouseEvent<Element, MouseEvent> | KeyboardEvent) => void) | undefinedOn-click handler for the button
tooltipContentstringContent shown in the tooltip
tooltipPropsTooltipPropsProps to control the PF Tooltip component


sourcesrequired{ title?: string; link: string; body?: React.ReactNode | string }[]Content rendered inside the paginated card
classNamestringAdditional classes for the pagination navigation container.
isDisabledbooleanFlag indicating if the pagination is disabled.
ofWordstringLabel for the English word "of".
onNextClick(event: React.SyntheticEvent<HTMLButtonElement>, page: number) => voidFunction called when user clicks to navigate to next page.
onPreviousClick(event: React.SyntheticEvent<HTMLButtonElement>, page: number) => voidFunction called when user clicks to navigate to previous page.
onSetPage(event: React.MouseEvent | React.KeyboardEvent | MouseEvent, newPage: number) => voidFunction called when page is changed.
paginationAriaLabelstringAccessible label for the pagination component.
sourceWordstringLabel for the English word "source"
sourceWordPluralstringPlural for sourceWord
toNextPageAriaLabelstringAccessible label for the button which moves to the next page.
toPreviousPageAriaLabelstringAccessible label for the button which moves to the previous page.