
A page component defines the basic layout of a page, with either vertical or horizontal navigation.


To implement an accessible PatternFly page:

  • Provide a skip to content if more than one page shares the same heading or sidebar content.
  • Give each nav element a unique aria-label if there is more than one nav element on the page.
  • Ensure there is only 1 main element on the page.
  • Follow any accessibility documentation for other components used within a page, such as a breadcrumb, notification drawer, or navigation.


At a minimum, a page should meet the following criteria:

  • This allows users to skip repetitive content, as otherwise they would have to navigate through each heading and sidebar item on every page.
  • This will differentiate the various navigations on a page to a user who is navigating via a rotor menu. You should also consider providing an <code className="ws-code">aria-label</code> if the sole navigation is not the primary navigation.

React customization

The following React props have been provided for more fine-tuned control over accessibility.

Applied to
mainAriaLabel="[text that labels the main content container]"
Adds an accessible name to the main content container. This should only be passed in when the mainComponent defaults to "main" or when the role property is also passed in.
mainComponent="[main or div]"
Sets the wrapper element of the main content. By default this will render the main element. You should only pass a value of "div" if the page already has a main element.
mainContainerId="[id for the main content container]"
Sets the id of the main content container. This must be passed in when a skip to content is passed to the page, with the value being linked to the skip to content's href property, e.g. href="#container-id.
mainTabIndex={-1 or null}
Set the tabindex for the main content container. This must be passed a value of -1 when a skip to content is also passed to the page, as some browsers require it in order for skip links to work correctly.
role="[role of the main content element]"
Sets the role attribute of the main content element. This should only be passed in if the mainComponent property has a value of "div". You should also avoid passing role="main" and instead use the default mainComponent value of "main".
PageBreadcrumb, PageGroup, PageNavigation, PageSection
Indicates that the component's content causes an overflow scrollbar to render. Passing this property will also set the tabindex of the component to 0 so that it can be focused and scrolled via keyboard. Required and should only be passed in when the content's height exceeds the component height, and when there is no other focusable content before the primary content of the component.
aria-label="[text that labels the component]"
PageBreadcrumb, PageGroup, PageNavigation, PageSection
Adds an accessible name to the component. Required when the component has the hasOverflowScroll property passed in. See our content on scrollable elements for further information.
component="[an HTML tag]"
Sets the wrapper element of the page section. By default this is the HTML section element. Customizing this property may require you to take additional considerations that are dependent on your particular use case.
aria-label="[text that labels the page toggle button]"
Adds an accessible name to the page toggle button that controls the sidebar expansion. This should only be passed if the page toggle button contains no text content, such as an icon.

HTML/CSS customization

The following HTML attributes and PatternFly classes can be used for more fine-tuned control over accessibility.

Attribute or class
Applied to
div or main
Sets the wrapper element of the main content. You should only place this class on a div element if the page already has a main element.
.pf-v6-c-page__main-breadcrumb, .pf-v6-c-page__main-group, .pf-v6-c-page__main-nav, .pf-v6-c-page__main-section, .pf-v6-c-page__main-subnav, .pf-v6-c-page__main-tabs, .pf-v6-c-page__main-wizard
Renders an overflow scrollbar to render when the component content's height is larger the the component's height.
aria-label="[text that labels the main content container]"
Adds an accessible name to the main content container. This should only be passed in when the .pf-v6-c-page__main class is on a main element or when the role attribute is also passed in.
id="[id for the main content container]"
Sets the id of the main content container. This must be passed in when a skip to content is present within the page, with the value being linked to the skip to content's href attribute, e.g. href="#container-id.
role="[role of the main content element]"
Sets the role attribute of the main content element. This should only be passed in if the .pf-v6-c-page__main class is applied to a div element. You should also avoid passing role="main" and instead use a main element.
Set the tabindex for the main content container. This should only be passed in when a skip to content is also present within the page, as some browsers require it in order for skip links to work correctly.
aria-label="[text that labels the component]"
.pf-v6-c-page__main-breadcrumb, .pf-v6-c-page__main-group, .pf-v6-c-page__main-nav, .pf-v6-c-page__main-section, .pf-v6-c-page__main-subnav, .pf-v6-c-page__main-tabs, .pf-v6-c-page__main-wizard
Adds an accessible name to the component. Required and should only be passed in when the component has the .pf-m-overflow-scroll class has caused an overflow scrollbar to render, and when there is no other focusable content before the primary content of the component.
See our content on scrollable elements for further information.
.pf-v6-c-page__main-breadcrumb, .pf-v6-c-page__main-group, .pf-v6-c-page__main-nav, .pf-v6-c-page__main-section, .pf-v6-c-page__main-subnav, .pf-v6-c-page__main-tabs, .pf-v6-c-page__main-wizard
Allows keyboard focus to be placed on the component. Required and should only be passed in when the component has the .pf-m-overflow-scroll class has caused an overflow scrollbar to render, and when there is no other focusable content before the primary content of the component.
aria-label="[text that labels the page toggle button]"
Adds an accessible name to the page toggle button that controls the sidebar expansion. This should only be passed if the page toggle button contains no text content, such as an icon.

Additional considerations

Consumers must ensure they take any additional considerations when customizing page, using it in a way not described or recommended by PatternFly, or in various other specific use-cases not outlined elsewhere on this page.

Semantic elements

It is important to use semantic elements whenever possible, as these will have default roles that can be conveyed to users via assistive technologies in various ways.

The page section component, for example, should render a native section element in most instances as this will be conveyed as sectioned content when a user navigates the page via screen reader as well as via rotor menu. The page component itself is similar in that in most instances it should render a native main element.

In cases where the only option is to customize the underlying element of a page component, keep in mind that you may need to take additional steps to retain as high a level of accessibility as possible. For example, you may need to add a role="region" to a page section that renders a div element instead of a section, unless you are simply using a page section for styling purposes.